Notice Board
KeenRevolutions is a new and upcoming business with many new features that will be available to you. We can help you start, upgrade, and optimize you network performance. Please look forward to our online computer use survey that will be available to you soon.
KeenRevolutions is a group of third year Computer Systems Technology - Networking students at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. With management approval, KeenRevolutions will research and analyze the existing network infrastructure, as a prelude to developing specific design enhancements or upgrades. Input from both the users and management is an essential ingredient, as the various phases of the Design Process are accomplished. Such input helps personalize future designs, as well as assure that specific corporate or business needs are attained.
Our Mission
The mission of KeenRevolutions is to analyze and determine your current network infrastructure, in efforts to determine the current needs and functional requirements of your existing network. With the obtained information, KeenRevolutions will develop specific design recommendations and solutions, that if implemented, may increase both the efficiency and functionality of your network, as well as lower the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), associated with hardware and end user systems.

KeenRevolutions. All rights reserved.
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